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I have learned that choosing a career is rather simple than hard but staying in a career that you are not passionate about is difficult. I am Finance and Accounting graduate, me choosing to study this course was not a matter of choice I had studied accounting back in high school, so I had to continue with what I knew accounting wasn’t nice to me academically, but I loved it that what drove me to apply for a course relating to it in the University. I used to love Oprah Winfrey show and other cooking shows; especially 5 Ingredients at Five which was on the Home channel and Oprah was on SABC3, every day when I come from school I’d make sure I won’t miss these shows so after washing my school shirt and socks I’ll head straight to the Dining/ TV area but sometimes I would miss Oprah especially when it was my turn to cook dinner. So then back to the career thing, from a very young age I used to love baking this is me at the age of 7-8-9. I would bake a cake with flour that was left by my grandmom of baking buns; My grandmom used to sell buns in our area so that she can be able to cover expenses because pension alone was not enough. So, she'll bake, and my cousin and I we would come straight from school after eating and go sell, basically this was my life as a kid. As a kid whenever other kids would pick out careers and be like "I wanna be a teacher when growing up" or "I wanna be a nurse or a doctor" I would just be there not knowing to want I wanted to be but I knew I wanted to own something I wanted to a boss of what or how I didn't when it was my turn I would say I want to have money, my own house and a and quickly move away from the topic and continue playing. (side note) maybe I did not clearly state to the universe what I wanted exactly which maybe could be the reason for the delay. This continued to even primary school where we would play with my group imitating characters in a series that was called Generations on SABC1 where I didn’t know which character I wanted to play because I didn’t want to be Queen. After all, she was a receptionist in terms of career and she was too hyper to be Karabo because it felt like she was overrated everybody wanted to be here and I wouldn’t wanna have men issues or family issues or inherit things because I’m family or to be Anne she was too devious for me but I liked the fact that she wasn’t afraid of any man she will gamble with any devil to get what she wants and I would end up choosing to be Busi which was played by Leleti Khumalo this was not even a choice because everybody had already chosen so I didn’t have a choice really but I liked playing her cause she possessed such decent energy so that would only be my reason and that she’s pretty of course, This is me in grade 6. The subjects I had chosen in high school were Accounting, of course, Business Studies, and Consumer Studies (the best class I’ve ever attended). I already had a passion for cooking and I feel like all the cooking shows influenced me to pick Consumer Studies instead of Economics, My sister was the one that said why don’t you pick this subject because you already like cooking because I didn’t know what it was about and because we went to the same high school I was blessed to be guided by her. Some of my teachers in grade 9 wanted me to go for the Science stream because I got good marks on related subjects, but I didn’t like it I felt again as though it was overrated until I got to grade 10 and realized it was overrated. To admit I used to like EMS (Economics Management Sciences) but not so much the teacher. Fast forward I am accepted for Public Finance and Accounting I go in like any other student because of comments like "Why would you wanna study a cooking course" "Who doesn’t know how to cook" and or "Gonna be a chef A chef" and also "no you can't go to that institution its too far from home" and or "that institution they don't study they play" or and "you won't get a job when you go to that institution" and or "they don’t produce graduates there" and or "the level of that institution is low" and or "you can't study in that institution who will fund you". These are typical comments I know not only do I come across them when it’s time to choose a career. so I went in and studied the course accounting still doing its thing on me with the love I had for I kept holding on because nothing comes easy in life right? I finished all my subjects in three years except for Accounting only where other kids are graduating or my friends are opting in on a new qualification, the girl is still doing and the only accounting which I don’t regret having to do it again I would the same way but a bit more serious this time. At that time, I’m about to finish my qualification but I don't know what I’m even studying for or studying to become all I know is that I will become an accountant I’m not even paying attention to the "Public" in the Public Finance and Accounting as to what it is about. I finally finish my qualification I apply for job posts to which most of the companies don’t bother to reply, here am i revamping my cv and doing all that to it but no luck. I had honestly run dry of the drive to apply, at his point, I was applying through posts that friends had, or family would send to me not all of them but some replied to say I don't qualify because of the "Public" part of it and because I didn't have Taxation as a major. in the public sector, I bet they never even looked at my cv. Not everyone who studied accounting ought to be an accountant or have an accounting career, Not everyone who obtained an accounting qualification is created to be an accountant, but some information God let us have so we can use it somewhere else not to specialize in that specific path. I am still trying to figure out what he meant when he said "I know the plans I have for you" cause to me it occurred that we seat around and brag about qualifications we know nothing about embarrassing ourselves in the process because we think life is one line of living so we stay in one lane and not check the other sides which might be out truths but we are so fixated on one path which we probably wouldn’t even be happy on them but because we are so crazy about the "title" of being an accountant we ignore our true selves because a certain career is below us for whatever reason we compare our unhappiness to somebody else’s happiness. After all, we wanna seem better where God has been showing and giving us signs that where we are it’s not where we are supposed to be but unfortunately, we force things only to realize later that we have been seated on stuck on a non-moving train but only the thoughts of our minds are moving, and we don’t act on that. Let us trust God in everything where he leads us may we go.
